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PHP and MySQL Event Lister Script

I have been searching for an Event Lister for a while now. I just wanted something simple and free. All I could find were gig organisers for bands or commercial scripts. That was up until I came across a Basic PHP Events Lister from

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Setup was straightforward and only took 5 minutes to do. Documentation is included which helps. The secure admin area is easy to navigate and is simple to create, edit and delete new events. The script covers a variety of data inputs including name, date, time, location, email, phone, link and description with mandatory fields and Javascript validation.


As part of a learning curve I decided to change a few things with the script to customise it further for my friends website.

  • First and foremost I changed the layout a little to include an end date and an end time.
  • I then changed the format of the dates to enter into a text-field rather than use the drop down boxes.
  • This had its problems as I had to change the database to input to a date and time field as it was previously input as separate variables joined together.
  • I then somehow had to convert the dates and times to input and display in the correct English format.
  • When this was working I changed all of the pages to XHTML and styled them using CSS.
  • I then put in a Javascript date and time picker as an optional extra in the add.php.


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3 replies on “PHP and MySQL Event Lister Script”

Mario de Angelis
Mario de Angelis On

Hello, I’ve been looking for a script that my visitors can add events on. All I can find are admin heavy scrips. I really need a simple events script that allows users to post events with easy login.

I hate to ask, but, can someone please help.
Thank you.

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