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Another Top 10 Linux Resources

I must admit trying Linux again, after a unsuccessful attempt in 2007, has been a decision well made. I currently run Mint 11 on one computer and Ubuntu 11.04 on another. My 8 yr old daughter can even navigate the unity desktop in a breeze, it’s as if she has been using it for years! I am not so keen on unity myself as I like the classic desktop. Anyhow enough of my ramblings, here are some more useful Linux resources for your perusal.

Ubuntu Sharing

Ubuntu Guide
RSS Feed

Begin Linux

Begin Linux
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Linux Today

Linux Today
RSS Feed

Howto Geek

How To Geek
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Tux Files

Tux Files


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Linux Bsdos

Linux BSDos
RSS Feed

Tech Drivein

Tech Drivin
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Ubuntu Vibes

Ubuntu Vibes
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Really Linux

Really Linux

I can count and I am well aware there are 11 here. 😉 Really Linux was recommended by Afiate Kriese in my previous Top 10 Inspiring Linux websites so I added it to the list. I am positive there are probably tonnes more websites out there which just goes to show that the Linux user base is getting stronger!

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