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Converseen – Image Conversion Tool For Linux and Windows

Converseen is a all-in-one batch image conversion, compressing and resizing tool that is available for both Linux (Source and PPA) and Windows. Like many web designers having to process images to make them suitable for the web you may have to use a variety of different tools, I have used Shrink-O-Matic to batch resize my images, GIMP and it’s save for web plugin to compress individual images and also Trimage batch image processor. Having to use 2 or more tools to convert, compress and resize images can be very time consuming so having a tool to do all of those jobs for you will be extremely productive.

Install Converseen

To install Converseen on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise via PPA. Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T together and enter the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:faster3ck/converseen
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install converseen


Once Converseen is installed open it up and you are immediately confronted with a friendly graphical user interface.

Converseen GUI

Firstly add an image or images by clicking Open Images or Add Images and click the Check all button to select them.

To change the image size click on Dimensions and change the size in % or pixels, in this case I am selecting around 700px wide. Click on maintain aspect ratio, this will resize the height automatically to prevent the image becoming pixelated. With this photo I want it to save to the same format as the original so I select jpg format in the conversion formats drop down menu.

There are also options to change the output, overwrite the original file or place it in a separate folder. The default is to save it to your home folder. Click the convert button and a dialogue box will appear to show the progress of your conversion.

Converseen Image Converter

As you can see in the image below the image has been compressed and the file size has been reduced to 105 KB from 1.3 MB which is much better for the web and server load.

Image Preview

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