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Month March 2013

Multiple Users – Access Twitter 1.1 API with Oauth Script

Checkout WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 Primarily the focus of this tutorial is to display your cached tweets for 2 users using PHP and OAuth on your website. We will be accessing the secure Twitter 1.1 API with PHP by parsing both JSON files and merging them into a single file to cache and store on your server. This is a follow-up from Display Your Cached Tweets Using PHP and OAuth which is recommended for a single Twitter user.

in Web Development

What’s Next for Cinema-Goers?

The art of film-making has undergone a massive transformation since the time of its inception. Not all that long ago, viewers were famously jumping out of the way of an oncoming train- dazzled by the ‘high-tech’ innovation of moving pictures. It’s a little harder these days to get such a reaction from cynical crowds who have ‘been there, done that’ a thousand times before. So what can film-makers and cinema bosses do to keep their screens packed with punters?

in Technology

Web Development Outsourcing

Web development defines an activity to the development of website for internet or an intranet. Web development is a very big term and it includes different departments like web designing, web development, web programming, client /server side scripting and web server configuration.
Website development can range from developing the static website to complex base websites like dynamic websites, online websites, search engine websites and social network websites. Web development refers to non-design aspect of building web sites: writing markup and coding.

in Web Development

Best UK Web Hosting With Unlimited Features

Web hosting is a very competitive market with all the powerful technology available finding the right deal can be cumbersome. Web hosts can offer you great value monthly prices but may limit you on things like speed, setup, storage space and amount of traffic (bandwidth) that you receive. Zyma on the other hand don’t limit any of these and offer you an excellent affordable plan for your individual or small business web site which is why they quickly became the No.1 choice for the best UK web hosting service on the internet.

in Technology