Web development defines an activity to the development of website for internet or an intranet. Web development is a very big term and it includes different departments like web designing, web development, web programming, client /server side scripting and web server configuration.
Website development can range from developing the static website to complex base websites like dynamic websites, online websites, search engine websites and social network websites. Web development refers to non-design aspect of building web sites: writing markup and coding.
Web site development technology consists of Client Side Technologies (XTML, Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript/ECMA Script), Server-Side Technologies (PHP, CGI/PERL, XML/XSL, MYSQL, POSTGRESQL, LINUX/APACHE and SSL/SECURE SERVERS) and Multimedia (Macromedia Flash, Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop).
The web development team has different meaning and concepts and it depends on size of organization. For larger organization, web development team consists of hundreds of employees involve in the development of corporate websites. The medium size organization consists of the few employees developing the website for small and medium size organization.

Small organizations consist of two or one employee who is the master of developing the website or single webmaster. Web development is a collaborative effort among different departments instead of single effort of one department.
Since the mid-90s when the web explosion took place, website development has become the fastest growing industry in the world. The growth of industry is being pushed by medium scale enterprises as well as large scale enterprises wishing to spread their businesses all over the world and sell goods and services to different peoples in the world and to automate business workflow. In today’s world website is a very important part of any organization if you want global presence in the world market.
The website of the company is an integral part of communication and it acts as a bridge between potential customers and companies. The greatest benefit of the website is that it is available 24/7 to customers at any time. Today, the company website can do wonders to improve the business. The company has to ensure that daily maintain the website details so that customers can easily find the required information.
Outsourcing means giving contract of work to third party organization. Companies prefer outsourcing the work for cost reduction, improving the quality and increasing production of the company. Outsourcing has become the latest buzzword in the information technology world. Outsourcing of web development comprises of many things like website development, CRM, software application and a lot more of IT. needs open and clear communication between client and outsource firm and there should be mutual understanding between both the firms.
Every company and organization are outsourcing the work of web development because of cost effective and less burden of work. Web development is a very vast term and it is not just a completion of a website project because after project completion, the website should be updated regularly and companies have to be in touch with the customers through website. That is why companies need outsourcing firm for taking care of websites and software’s. There are some disadvantages of outsourcing work in web development like security issues and breach of trust. Companies have to check the outsourcing firm past experience before hiring for website development services.
Web development services require a lot of planning because website should be developed as per the requirement of client, so it require a lot of work from designing phase to coding phase. So companies have to hire a professional team for web development services because website development is a critical job and it requires experience with a lot of professionalism.
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