Welcome to WOW Weekly. Apple released the iPad Pro this week but pro really does come at a price! Google’s self driving car got itself into a little bother. Microsoft roll out the latest Xbox One console updates enabling backward compatibility for a selection of 360 games with many more to arrive in the coming months.

Apple iPad
Apple started selling the much awaited iPad Pro this week. The 12.9 iPad Pro has the highest resolution, 5.6 million pixels, retina display of any iOS devices and with the new A9X 64 -bit chip it doubles the graphic performance of the iPad Air 2. Pretty impressive piece of kit but if it’s on your santa’s list this year you will have to part with £799 for the 128 GB version. You won’t get much change out of £1100 if you purchase the pencil (£79), silicon case (£65) and keyboard (£139). Going pro really does come at a price!
Google’s Self Driving Car
Google’s self driving car got into a spot of bother when it was pulled over by the police department for doing under the speed limit in Mountain View, California. The driverless car was doing 24 MPH in a 35 MPH zone and no action was taken. The prototype car has been limited to doing 25 MPH for safety reasons to make them feel friendly and approachable. Personally I would love to see driverless cars on Aberdeenshire Roads but not until they can do the speed limit at least.
Xbox One Updates
If you have fired up your Xbox One over the past few days you will notice that the dashboard has had a pretty big overhaul. Gone are the hideous user un-friendly tiles to a more modern simplistic user-friendly dashboard with a new homescreen, guide, community section and the voice assistant cortana. The new update comes with backwards compatibility to some of the most popular 360 games including Fallout 3, Gears of war 3, Borderlands, Fable 2 and Mirrors Edge with the likes of Bioshock and Call of Duty Black Ops to follow soon.
See the list of games over at xbox.com
Tool of the Week
The Open Source Adobe Brackets Code Editor which is written purely in Javascript, HTML and CSS is one of the most used tools in my arsenal, having tested it from it’s initial release it just keeps getting better. The latest version which was released in October added several features including folding selected text, improved search functionality, CSS Code Hints in PHP, fixes for El Capitan and bug fixes on top of the easy to use GUI and countless extensions what’s not to like.
New Releases in Brief
Dropbox have updated their web interface with a nifty new Recents feature. Recents shows you your recently updated files. If you work on multiple files scattered around your dropbox it will list them in order of last edited which is super useful if you don’t have an organised folder structure.
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