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2017 – The Time to Get Moving and Achieve Those Dreams

I haven’t posted as much as I would have liked this year. Following up from my going anti-social post last year I have had an extremely busy year moving house, twice! After living and outgrowing our family home for 16 years I decided it was the right time to sell and move house.  Since January 2015, life has been extremely busy after the sudden loss of my fiance, forced into single motherhood and deciding to go back to my old career in working with children to gain a regular income.  With a job, I love and more importantly had the opportunity to meet new wonderful people. I had further dreams to fulfil and obviously doing this without Shaun was emotionally difficult as it was our family home, I was selling!

Moving Time - Clock

Moving On and On

After the sale of our property, we went into rented accommodation for 4 months until our house was ready to buy in September. Coincidently we left our family home on Shaun’s birthday (29th May) and also moved into number 29 which has been a significant number throughout and after his life. Now we are in our home it’s time to start afresh again and make more memories.  Sadly Shaun is no longer here in a physical form but his memories and spirit live on in all of us.

The WOW Blog

Obviously, I haven’t had much time to write many tutorials this year but have managed to freshen up my website with a new look. 2017 is a time to move on and I will also be moving to a new host by the 25th November.  I just need to find one first!

Looking Forward

Life is incredibly challenging but you only have one at the end of the day!  Throughout the emotional turmoil, we have gone through I know that if Shaun was looking down on us he will be proud. To make dreams a reality has been inspiring. When life hits rock bottom there is only one way up!

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