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Month September 2018

11 Tips on Finding the Right Infographic Ideas

It’s not uncommon to come across an infographic while browsing on the web. They are everywhere and we can see why— they make data and statistics look more appealing and easy to understand. According to a study by Hubspot, infographics are three times more likely to be shared than any other type of content. If you’re looking to generate traffic and leads, it’s ideal to invest in them.

in Marketing

Extensions to Install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets

When it comes to open-source code editors we are spoilt for choice.  Do you go for Brackets, Atom or Visual Studio Code editors as an alternative to using a paid-for software? Do you install all and use them for different projects?  Here is a list of extensions to install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets. These extensions will enhance the use of your code editor making you super productive.

in Web Development