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Articles - Page 17

Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

Tips to Make Your YouTube Video More Professional

It seems that everyone has a YouTube channel these days. The problem for creators is no longer finding an easily shareable platform to use but instead finding a way to stand out from the crowd. With video content ranging from meme compilations to detailed tutorials on every subject under the sun, finding a way to get yourself noticed has become the key issue for anybody hoping to take their YouTube content to the next level.

Whether you’re a business hoping to create a viral ad for your new product, or you’re simply trying to use online tools to solidify your personal brand, creating unique and professional content is now possible thanks to the variety of tools available both off and online.

in Marketing

WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 Reloaded PHP Class

WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 is a PHP class that accesses single or multiple Twitter account feeds via the Twitter API using OAuth, the standard, secure way of interacting with your Twitter feeds. Version 2.0 replaces the following 2 scripts, Multi Twitter Script and Wow Twitter Single. Some of the original code has been reused but because it is object-orientated it should be easier to set up.

in Web Development

WOW RSSX PHP Class – Display Multiple Feeds using SimpleXML

WOW RSSX is another PHP script that fetches either a single or multiple RSS Feeds and combines them to display on your website along with categories and dates. With added options, you can tailor the output to suit your needs. The difference between the recently published WOW RSS and WOW RSSX is that this script uses SimpleXML and WOW RSS uses cURL to fetch the feeds and JSON to convert the feeds from a SimpleXML object to a PHP array.

in Web Development

Identity Theft: What’s at Stake

System hacks! Data Breach! Consumer information stolen! Identity theft! It seems these headlines appear more frequently and are enough to start the heart racing of businesses and consumers alike. Many don’t understand how this happens and think only big companies like Equifax, Target and Home Depot are vulnerable. Wrong.

in Security

Oh Apple Please Do Make your Products more Affordable

I first became interested in Apple computers when I saw the design of the Power Mac G4, it looked stylish, contemporary and like nothing in its time. Unfortunately, you had to be in the ‘Mac Club’ to afford it. I wasn’t but still dreamed of owning a Mac one day. Fast forward 8 years to 2012 when my late fiancé bought me one for Christmas. It was at the time when they were still expensive. Retina screens were kicking off and the non-retina model, that I have, were more affordable.

in Mac

2017 – The Time to Get Moving and Achieve Those Dreams

I haven’t posted as much as I would have liked this year. Following up from my going anti-social post last year I have had an extremely busy year moving house, twice! After living and outgrowing our family home for 16 years I decided it was the right time to sell and move house.  Since January 2015, life has been extremely busy after the sudden loss of my fiance, forced into single motherhood and deciding to go back to my old career in working with children to gain a regular income.  With a job, I love and more importantly had the opportunity to meet new wonderful people. I had further dreams to fulfil and obviously doing this without Shaun was emotionally difficult as it was our family home, I was selling!

in Life

Stop the Scams – UK Scam Busting Websites

Millions of innocent people are victims or potential victims of scams around the world each year. Sadly these scams are ever-changing and just as you think you know the latest scam another one pops up. Here are some scam-busting websites that can prevent you from being the next victim.

in Security

Why You Should Never Cut Corners with WP Website Hosting

Are you using a reliable hosting provider to host your WordPress website? If not, you are taking a big risk, which could have serious consequences for you and your online business. However, by researching this area properly and finding a professional hosting provider that offers high-quality hosting plans, you will have much more peace of mind and avoid many of the issues WordPress owners face. Below are some of the main reasons why you should never cut corners with website hosting for your WordPress website.

in WordPress

4 Reasons You Should Be Using WordPress For Your Business Website

Many businesses and bloggers use WordPress to manage their websites. It is among the top web publishing systems in the world. If you hire a web developer to build your business website, he or she is likely to recommend WordPress. Unfortunately, most business owners have no idea how their business websites run. If you are reading this, you probably are thinking of starting a new website and taking over managing your website. Why should you join other business owners in using WordPress? Here are the top reasons why you should consider the publishing system.

in WordPress