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Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

4 Essential SEO Tips for WordPress Websites

While WordPress websites share many of the same characteristics as other websites regarding SEO, WordPress websites require a few tweaks to rank well against other domains and other WordPress sites. Here are four essential SEO tips for WordPress websites with actionable advice on how to do each.

in WordPress

Offline Marketing Strategies That Can Support Your Online Brand

If you have a brand that is based entirely online, then it’s likely that you are using the internet for your marketing efforts. However, did you know that there are offline marketing strategies that you can employ that will help your online brand as far as awareness, trust, and growth go? Offline marketing should never be written off simply because your brand is located online.

in Marketing

Tips for Buying Your First HR Software

One of the most exciting aspects of owning and operating a business is when you’ve reached a point where you realise that you’ve actually hired more people than you ever expected to back in the early days when you were just starting out. However, as fulfilling as that is, it also creates a whole new set of issues you’ll need to deal with because keeping everything organised from hiring to firing can be more than a little time-consuming. Even if you have hired HR personnel, the bigger you grow, the more you will need HR software. Once you’ve seen just what is available in today’s market, you’ll understand why.

in Software

Start Your Travel Blog Adventures With 6 Handy Tips

A travel blog is similar to an online diary, which could eventually make you money and provide financial freedom to adventure across the world. If you have been considering chronicling your journey, but are unsure where to begin, here’s how you can start a travel blog.

in WordPress

Python Resources, Tools and Articles to Get You Started

With so many Python resources on the internet, I have compiled a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of articles, books and tutorials for all who want to learn.  Python is a high-level programming language that ranks highly in all-time computer programming favourites from year to year. As it’s powerful yet simple to learn it’s common for beginners to start as an entry into learning a programming language. It is easily transferable to others who have experience in other languages such as JavaScript, Java and PHP.

in Web Development

WordPress Functions PHP Super Useful Snippets

Adding Code snippets to the WordPress functions.php file enables you to perform actions and use filters in a way that will improve functionality of your WordPress site which can make your theme more organised and cleaner. Here is a bunch of useful snippets to further enhance your WordPress theme.

in WordPress

Going Anti-Social for 2 Months – The Experience

Back in July after returning from my 3 week trip to Spain and England I took on the task of DIY.  I turned anti-social, in a nice way, not in the yob (ASBO) fashion.  I focused on the tasks that needed to be done around the home. Thankfully I don’t mind getting my hands dirty! Here is my anti-social experience.

in Life

Fighting Malware – Neat Security Tools for the Security Conscious

Malware and unwanted software go hand-in-hand with the Internet.  As technology has advanced so have the techniques to gain access to your computer, network and money. With Adware, crapware, DoS, pharming, malware, ransomware, trojans and much more we can’t be far off filling the A-Z of glossary of cybercrime definitions. However, if you are a little security conscious here are a few tools that may be able to help you.

in PC

WordPress HTML5 Clickable Div – Highlight Hover Post

In this tutorial, we will highlight hovering over a clickable div which contains an image and a title. With the magic of HTML5 and CSS3, you can now insert a <div> which is a block element, inside of a <a> which is an inline element. Previously this would have resulted in HTML errors. Feel free to check out the code and also the demo which is included.

in WordPress