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Articles - Page 25

Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

Wow Weekly Monday 7th October

Welcome to this weeks Wow weekly. My new design is well under way and I hope to be moving to my new theme pretty soon. Here is a selection of must-read posts for this week on getting started in IT, blogging, Adobe and the usual collection of design and development links.

in Technology

Review – Hands on with the Sony Xperia SP

I have been hands-on testing the Sony Xperia SP for the past week. The Sony Xperia SP is a mid-level phone which is not as feature rich or as powerful as the Xperia Z series. Although this is my first time with a Sony Smartphone I once owned the extremely popular Sony K750i a number of years ago which was as solid as a rock and featured one of the best cameras around for it’s time. Would the Sony Xperia SP stand up to the challenge?

in Mobile

Wow Weekly Friday 27th September

Welcome to this week’s version of WOW weekly. In this edition, I will bring you all of my favourite picks of the week as well as my round-up design and development resources. This week we will be discussing all things Linux with news on Valve announcing the future release of SteamOS.

in Software

Wow Weekly Friday 20th September

In this Friday’s Wow weekly we will be discussing the latest Firefox version, Twitter and my favourite all-time football simulation game as well as my hot picks in design and development for this week. Read more on Wow weekly.

in Software

Wow Weekly Friday 13th September

Sorry I haven’t posted for a while I have been designing my new WP theme and organising my content to suit. Meanwhile I have decided to hand pick a selection of news and favourite articles from around the web, something I plan to do on a weekly basis when I have got my new theme up and running. Read more on Wow weekly….

in Technology

The Weird and the Wonderful Smartphone Docking Stations

If you have recently been thinking “Should I really sell my mobile?” maybe you should look at some weird and wonderful docking stations to bring out the best in your smartphone. From the crazy to the downright bizarre, docking stations can provide crystal clear sound and some quirky design to your office or home. Whatever your style and budget, there is sure to be a docking station for you on the market. Here are just a few models which can add some style and intrigue to a room.

in Mobile

5 Hand-picked Ways to Boost WordPress Security

WordPress is the most popular used blogging/CMS software which is why I guess it is used by millions of websites around the world. Unfortunately, there are some very bad people out there that will try their hardest to exploit any weaknesses in your blog. If you look through your logs you can guarantee that someone, or something, like bots, for example, has tried to gain access to your site by attempting to access your login page, registration page or even your forgotten password page. Of course, you can never completely eradicate the bad boys but with a good knowledge of WordPress security can help you protect your site as much as possible.

in Security

Top Android Phones in 2013

Look everywhere around you and you will see almost everyone using their smartphone – either making a call or surfing the net. There are actually more than one billion smartphone users in the world and the number is expected to double in two years according to research made by Strategy Analytics.

in Mobile

Nu-gems – My First Website

I first delved into the world of web design when I was around 20. I downloaded and printed the entire HTML 4 specs which were the equivalent of both printing and reading the bible! The printer never worked the same again after that! Fast forward a few years with the addition of children I decided to give it another bash. At first, I designed static websites locally on my computer ranging from a comedy store, as I like a laugh, to a designer sunglasses website, which was heavily influenced by selling cheap sunglasses on eBay. I designed these websites with a demo version of Dreamweaver as I quite liked the idea of WYSIWYG. These ideas were never completed nor made public thankfully although thanks to Microsoft my Dreamweaver demo never expired as I was forever restoring XP with the common Blue Screen Of Death error.

in Web Development