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Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

Multiple Users – Access Twitter 1.1 API with Oauth Script

Checkout WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 Primarily the focus of this tutorial is to display your cached tweets for 2 users using PHP and OAuth on your website. We will be accessing the secure Twitter 1.1 API with PHP by parsing both JSON files and merging them into a single file to cache and store on your server. This is a follow-up from Display Your Cached Tweets Using PHP and OAuth which is recommended for a single Twitter user.

in Web Development

What’s Next for Cinema-Goers?

The art of film-making has undergone a massive transformation since the time of its inception. Not all that long ago, viewers were famously jumping out of the way of an oncoming train- dazzled by the ‘high-tech’ innovation of moving pictures. It’s a little harder these days to get such a reaction from cynical crowds who have ‘been there, done that’ a thousand times before. So what can film-makers and cinema bosses do to keep their screens packed with punters?

in Technology

Web Development Outsourcing

Web development defines an activity to the development of website for internet or an intranet. Web development is a very big term and it includes different departments like web designing, web development, web programming, client /server side scripting and web server configuration.
Website development can range from developing the static website to complex base websites like dynamic websites, online websites, search engine websites and social network websites. Web development refers to non-design aspect of building web sites: writing markup and coding.

in Web Development

Best UK Web Hosting With Unlimited Features

Web hosting is a very competitive market with all the powerful technology available finding the right deal can be cumbersome. Web hosts can offer you great value monthly prices but may limit you on things like speed, setup, storage space and amount of traffic (bandwidth) that you receive. Zyma on the other hand don’t limit any of these and offer you an excellent affordable plan for your individual or small business web site which is why they quickly became the No.1 choice for the best UK web hosting service on the internet.

in Technology

AMMPS For Mac – Changing the Apache Document Root

I’ve tried a few testing servers over the years but now I have a Mac I decided to use Ampps for all of my development needs. Ampps, if you don’t already know is an alternative to Xampp, Mamp, Wamp and various other web servers. When installing a web server I like to move the document root outside of the default path to prevent me deleting it and also to keep it backed up so here is a little tutorial on how to change the Apache document root in Ammps.

in Mac

Low Cost iPhone is at Apple’s Charts – Product Rumors Are In The Air!

iPhone fans can get a low-cost device now, as Apple is going to launch that sooner. Some say the low-cost Smartphone would be either fully plastic body or a combo of metal and plastic. It would be a downgrade from the previous metal or glass design, sources revealed at DigiTimes.
DigiTimes said without mentioning the supply chain sources that the main purpose of using a plastic body in the device is to cut the manufacturing cost of the phone. However, some other sources revealed that the phone would have a mixture of plastic and metal, with internal parts visible from outside.

in Mobile

4 Laptops to Look Out For in 2013

Expert critics are predicting that 2013 will be a very good year for laptops. It’s difficult to have the best of both worlds at once. Some laptops can be thought of as a giant, luscious, tasty chocolate cake as opposed to one bite of a pistachio macaroon. But those have their place too. These are some of the laptops we’re most excited about in 2013.

in Technology

Display Your Cached Tweets Using PHP and OAuth

Primarily the focus of this tutorial is to display your cached tweets using PHP and OAuth on your website. We will be accessing the secure Twitter 1.1 API with PHP by parsing and caching the JSON file to store on your server. It may seem like a lot of code just to display your latest tweets on your website but the benefits are that you can style it to your own taste with a little CSS and caching the JSON file will not add extra load on the Twitter API. Check out WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 For WordPress users you should use WordPress – Display your Cached Tweets using PHP and OAuth or my new plugin.

in Web Development

Overview of the EMC Ionix for IT Operations Intelligence

The EMC Ionix for IT Operations Intelligence (E22-250) Exam is part of the certification requirements for the IT Operations Intelligence certification track from the EMC Proven Professional program. This exam will test your skills and knowledge that will be needed for job roles that involve monitoring and managing business networks using Ionix for IT Operations Intelligence products. Work experience using Ionix Service Assurance Manager v8.1.1 and Ionix IP Availability Manager v8.1.1 is highly recommended before taking this exam.

in Education

Review – Visopix Ultra Mini Keyboard

I have had my hands on a Visopix Ultra Mini Keyboard to road test for 2 weeks now. The Visopix works on computers, running either Windows, Linux or Mac, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Set Top boxes, HD players, tablets and Smartphones and comes with a built in laser for presentations. It boasts a full qwerty keyboard with a touchpad and mouse buttons.

in Technology