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Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

HTML5 & CSS3 Resources to Kickstart your First HTML5 Project

HTML5 and CSS3 have been known to web designers for many years. Unfortunately, due to the lack of browser support, it hasn’t been wildly adopted. With the release of Internet Explorer in 2011 that it started gaining in popularity. Internet Explorer 9 still doesn’t have complete support for both technologies.  The arrival of the upcoming Internet Explorer 10 will support more elements including CSS transitions and transforms. It will also have full support for offline web applications and form validation. Other browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera have better support.  Currently, at the time of writing, there is no browser that has full support. This is due to the fact that the specification is still a working draft itself.  However, it is estimated that it will not be reaching full specification until 2014. Furthermore, don’t let this deter you from using it. You can start using HTML5 right now so kick it off with some valuable resources.

in Web Development

Integrate WP Single Post Navigation into your WordPress Theme

This tutorial shows you how to integrate the WP Single Post Navigation into your theme without using the plugin. I initially attempted to use the plugin and for some reason it didn’t work on my custom child theme based on TwentyEleven so I decided to hard code it into my theme by adding it to my functions.php. I will show you two methods, one to display the default WordPress single post navigation and one to display how to reverse the links for a book like affect.

in WordPress

Display Your WordPress Recent Posts on a Static Page

This tutorial shows you how to display your recent posts on a static web page. So now you ask the question ‘Define Static?’ There are a variety of reasons why you may have static pages. If you have built a website from scratch and need a blog or news section. You want to pull some information from the blog to your homepage.

There have been several methods on the web including accessing the database. In this simple, but elegant solution I will show you 2 methods. One of which will be on a page with a .php extension and another will be on a page with a .htm extension.

If you want to display your latest posts on an existing WordPress blog please check out the following post.

Please check out Display your WordPress Recent Posts FAQs that I have set up to go along with this tutorial.

in WordPress

Fix 3G Error after Upgrading Android on HTC Desire HD

Ever since upgrading my HTC Desire HD to the latest version of Android (2.3.5) I have had no 3G mobile network. This just requires a simple fix to set your mobile settings to its default. Simply follow the next few steps to fix the problem.

in Mobile

The Swiss Army Tool of Web Design Apps

Have trouble finding a web app to use? Fed up of having to refer to your bookmarks to access them? I have recently come across a wonderful web design app from Coded Bits that groups together other web apps to make a great productive environment and all within a click away. A great time saver for any web design enthusiasts and novices alike.

in Web Development

Web Design on Linux

Web design on Linux is possible although Microsoft and Apple computers are no doubt the web designer’s choice when it comes to creating websites. Adobe software has become the niche and the creative professionals favourite for many years. Linux on the other hand has improved considerably over the past few years and now it is possible to create beautiful websites with the plethora of tools available. Here are a few of those tools to get your creative juices flowing.

in Linux

Top 10- Websites to get your Inspiration from

Everybody needs a little inspiration at some point in their lives. Have you ever visited a friend’s house, admired the decor, then go home and make changes to your own home or have you longed for a living room like one in a brochure. Here are a list of websites to get your inspiration from. Enjoy!

in Web Development

Why I Would Choose Android OS over iPhone OS

Back in January I renewed my mobile contract and got a HTC Desire HD smartphone with the android operating system. I love everything about it apart from the slightly poor battery life which is probably not helped with my Wifi being constantly on but hey I spend all my spare time on my computer so I can quickly charge it up. I do like Apple products but there is one thing that Android does better.

in Mobile

Another Top 10 Linux Resources

I must admit trying Linux again, after a unsuccessful attempt in 2007, has been a decision well made. I currently run Mint 11 on one computer and Ubuntu 11.04 on another. My 8 yr old daughter can even navigate the unity desktop in a breeze, it’s as if she has been using it for years! I am not so keen on unity myself as I like the classic desktop. Anyhow enough of my ramblings, here are some more useful Linux resources for your perusal.

in Linux

Top 10- jQuery Tutorials

Being a big fan of jQuery I have put together a selection of jQuery tutorials. Tutorials that range from simple tooltips to navigation menus and image galleries. Do you have any favourite tutorials or do you reach straight for the plugins? Please feel free to comment.

in Web Development