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Articles - Page 30

Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

New World WordPress Theme

New World was an adaptation of my 3rd WordPress theme. It is lightweight and suitable for all audiences. It includes a customisable social networking header that has it’s own admin area. Comments are written throughout the template files to aid your customisation. Once downloaded please read the readme.html in the instructions folder for general F.A.Qs. The latest version is 1.3.2 which was released on 3rd February 2011.

in WordPress

Comodo Internet Security Installation Error 1603

I have been using Comodo Internet Security since it’s initial release and it just keeps getting better and better. However whilst trying to install the most recent version 4.0 which was released on March 03 2010 I encountered an installation error 1603. Naturally I cleared all the junk files, disabled unnecessary services, cleared the registry and still couldn’t get it to work until I came across a handy clean up tool which cleans up leftover data from the previous installations.

in Security

Access Your Email Through an Email Client

Have you got more than one email account? Maybe you are fed up with having to access your email through a web interface or you just simply want to access all of your emails through one piece of software called an email client.

in Software

Synchronise Your Computers and Your Life!

Do you ever find running multiple computers, Operating systems and browsers tedious? Especially now that most people have access to 2 computers or more. Maybe you are using one main computer and need access to certain files from another or you are using portable software or even your mobile phone. Here are a few tips on how to keep organised with a combination of software and web apps. Synchronise your computers and your life!

in Software

Thunderbird 3 Upgrade- Not Such a Smooth Ride!

I have been using Thunderbird for the last 2 years and my configuration has always worked well even through the transition of switching from Windows to Linux. I have never had any trouble when updating versions of Firefox so I thought that I wouldn’t have many problems with Thunderbird either. Was it as plain sailing as what I originally thought?

in Linux

Mouse Buttons Not Working With Eclipse or Aptana!

I recently updated to latest version of Linux Mint 8 and after installing Aptana, my favourite IDE, I noticed that my mouse buttons would not work when trying to click buttons. I tried re-installing the software and trying eclipse but it still didn’t work. I found a shell script on Google to solve a gtk bug, unfortunately the link is now dead but luckily I added the code below. I have eclipse installed in my home folder under .eclipse. Here is a little tutorial on how you write that script.

in Linux

New To WordPress, Now What? Newbies Guide

So you are a newbie that has just installed WordPress? Not sure what to do next or which order to do it in? Whether you want to change your permalink structure, tweak your SEO or want to publish your posts on various social networks then here is a little guide to help get you started with you new blog.

in WordPress

Backup Your Firefox Profile Manually

The browser is one of the most used pieces of software used today and believe me there is nothing worse than losing all of your data if your computer suddenly crashes or your data becomes corrupted. There are tools that will backup your Firefox profiles for you but this can be time consuming. I use a method will backup the entire folder with everything in it from passwords, extensions to favourites and its so simple anyone can do it. I will show you how to do this in Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and also Linux Mint.

in Linux

WorldOWeb WordPress Theme

WorldOWeb WordPress theme was the original theme that I decided to release into the world. It is a lightweight theme that is suitable for all audiences. It has been tested with WordPress 2.7 upwards. The latest version is 2.2.9 which was released on 3rd October 09. This theme has been deprecated.

in WordPress