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Category Web Development - Page 10

Coding is the backbone of all digital platforms, transforming human ideas into functional applications. As the digital realm expands, so does the need for skilled coders. Today’s developers use a plethora of languages like JavaScript, Python, and PHP, each suited for specific tasks. A profound understanding of coding remains essential for crafting responsive, dynamic, and engaging websites.

Hello Bulma CSS Framework, Goodbye Bootstrap

During spring, I decided to give WOW a little overhaul and create a new WordPress theme. I previously used bootstrap 3, which at the time was very stable. During the development stage, I could upgrade to Bootstrap 4 or change to another framework.  Having looked at several options I opted to choose Bulma, a fast-growing lightweight CSS framework. Here are my findings.

in Web Development

Extensions to Install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets

When it comes to open-source code editors we are spoilt for choice.  Do you go for Brackets, Atom or Visual Studio Code editors as an alternative to using a paid-for software? Do you install all and use them for different projects?  Here is a list of extensions to install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets. These extensions will enhance the use of your code editor making you super productive.

in Web Development

How to Enter a Career in Technology

Technology is transforming every industry across the world and changing the lives of billions of people every day. It has evolved rapidly since it’s invention and continues to grow and change every year. It is therefore unsurprising if you want to secure a career in the forward-thinking field. Find out how to enter a career in technology if you think this is the right path for you.

in Technology

Top Atom Packages You Should Install From The Start

Atom, like Brackets, is a 21st century, full-featured, cross-platform, open-source hackable text editor from Github. Currently, at the time of writing, there are over 7000 Atom packages available to extend its functionality further. Sifting through all of those packages is both time-consuming and cumbersome.

in Web Development

WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 Reloaded PHP Class

WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 is a PHP class that accesses single or multiple Twitter account feeds via the Twitter API using OAuth, the standard, secure way of interacting with your Twitter feeds. Version 2.0 replaces the following 2 scripts, Multi Twitter Script and Wow Twitter Single. Some of the original code has been reused but because it is object-orientated it should be easier to set up.

in Web Development

WOW RSSX PHP Class – Display Multiple Feeds using SimpleXML

WOW RSSX is another PHP script that fetches either a single or multiple RSS Feeds and combines them to display on your website along with categories and dates. With added options, you can tailor the output to suit your needs. The difference between the recently published WOW RSS and WOW RSSX is that this script uses SimpleXML and WOW RSS uses cURL to fetch the feeds and JSON to convert the feeds from a SimpleXML object to a PHP array.

in Web Development

Top 20 WordPress Development Plugins

Everybody needs tools to help with a job. You can’t put up a shelf without the aid of a screwdriver, using ‘no more nails’ doesn’t count!  The same can be said of WordPress development.  If you are developing a WordPress theme or plugin there are some excellent plugins available to help you do the job better. Furthermore, here is a roundup of more than 20 development tools that can speed up the process for you.

in WordPress

Python Resources, Tools and Articles to Get You Started

With so many Python resources on the internet, I have compiled a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of articles, books and tutorials for all who want to learn.  Python is a high-level programming language that ranks highly in all-time computer programming favourites from year to year. As it’s powerful yet simple to learn it’s common for beginners to start as an entry into learning a programming language. It is easily transferable to others who have experience in other languages such as JavaScript, Java and PHP.

in Web Development