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Category Web Development - Page 13

Coding is the backbone of all digital platforms, transforming human ideas into functional applications. As the digital realm expands, so does the need for skilled coders. Today’s developers use a plethora of languages like JavaScript, Python, and PHP, each suited for specific tasks. A profound understanding of coding remains essential for crafting responsive, dynamic, and engaging websites.

New to Web Design? Newbies guide to Web Hosting

So you want to start a career in web design but don’t know what to do. Over the coming weeks I will give you some excellent valuable tips, tutorials and resources to get you started from the very beginning. I will first start with a newbies guide to web hosting and the various types of hosting on offer.

in Web Development

HTML5 & CSS3 Resources to Kickstart your First HTML5 Project

HTML5 and CSS3 have been known to web designers for many years. Unfortunately, due to the lack of browser support, it hasn’t been wildly adopted. With the release of Internet Explorer in 2011 that it started gaining in popularity. Internet Explorer 9 still doesn’t have complete support for both technologies.  The arrival of the upcoming Internet Explorer 10 will support more elements including CSS transitions and transforms. It will also have full support for offline web applications and form validation. Other browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera have better support.  Currently, at the time of writing, there is no browser that has full support. This is due to the fact that the specification is still a working draft itself.  However, it is estimated that it will not be reaching full specification until 2014. Furthermore, don’t let this deter you from using it. You can start using HTML5 right now so kick it off with some valuable resources.

in Web Development

The Swiss Army Tool of Web Design Apps

Have trouble finding a web app to use? Fed up of having to refer to your bookmarks to access them? I have recently come across a wonderful web design app from Coded Bits that groups together other web apps to make a great productive environment and all within a click away. A great time saver for any web design enthusiasts and novices alike.

in Web Development

Web Design on Linux

Web design on Linux is possible although Microsoft and Apple computers are no doubt the web designer’s choice when it comes to creating websites. Adobe software has become the niche and the creative professionals favourite for many years. Linux on the other hand has improved considerably over the past few years and now it is possible to create beautiful websites with the plethora of tools available. Here are a few of those tools to get your creative juices flowing.

in Linux

Top 10- Websites to get your Inspiration from

Everybody needs a little inspiration at some point in their lives. Have you ever visited a friend’s house, admired the decor, then go home and make changes to your own home or have you longed for a living room like one in a brochure. Here are a list of websites to get your inspiration from. Enjoy!

in Web Development

Top 10- jQuery Tutorials

Being a big fan of jQuery I have put together a selection of jQuery tutorials. Tutorials that range from simple tooltips to navigation menus and image galleries. Do you have any favourite tutorials or do you reach straight for the plugins? Please feel free to comment.

in Web Development

jQuery Disable and Enable Form Elements Using a Checkbox

Here is a simple little snippet that uses jQuery to enable or disable text input boxes in forms using a checkbox. When disabling the text boxes it prompts you to confirm it so that you don’t accidentally delete your data. This might be useful for forms elements that need to be enabled or disabled when a certain checkbox is checked like on an options page. The code itself is quite self-explanatory but please feel free to ask if you are having any problems.  This script has now been included in wow playground with new and updated features.

in Web Development

Top 10- Must Have jQuery Plugins

jQuery is one of the most used frameworks there is and it is renowned for being simple, flexible and easy to learn. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of plugins to choose from. Here are a few plugins that I have previously used or would definitely use in the future. I hope you enjoy them!

in Web Development

PHP and jQuery checkbox array with a hint of Jquery UI

I have been learning jQuery alongside PHP to help with my event manager project. Here is a tutorial on how to get the values of a checkbox array, post it via a jQuery Ajax call and subsequently delete the values from an MYSQL database. This tutorial also makes use of the jQuery UI which we will use to display our dialogues.  This script has now been included in wow playground with new and updated features.

in Web Development

Getting to grips with PHP Radio Buttons

Following on from getting to grips with PHP Checkboxes I decided to write a little tutorial on radio buttons. As you know radio buttons can only have 1 state either on or off and only one can be selected at any one time. Here is a simple tutorial on how to get data from a database, select the radio button, get data from the form and update the database. If you have previously read and completed the setup procedure the process is the same so you may want to go straight to the code.  This script has now been included in wow playground with new and updated features.

in Web Development