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Tag Tools - Page 5

Get Your Computer in Tip Top Shape with a Little Spring Cleaning

While most people welcome spring as a chance to do a little housecleaning, but it’s also the perfect opportunity to take that same approach with your desktop or laptop. Just like your house, the clutter can start to add up on your computer and lead to a whole bunch of problems, the computer running much slower than normal, and a general sense of disorganisation. To help you get through the process we’ve provided a few simple steps you can follow.

in PC

Flywheel – Local WordPress Development Made Easy

Developing local WordPress websites has become easier over the years but installing the software to develop locally on your own computer can be cumbersome. Deciding whether to use free software like Ampps, Mamp, Xampp, pay for commercial software or even setup vagrant and VVV. They can all be learning curves that require additional steps to debug and get your perfect server setup. Enter Local from Flywheel that aims to take the frustration out of installing a local development environment by replacing it with a fast and functional app.

in WordPress

Python Resources, Tools and Articles to Get You Started

With so many Python resources on the internet, I have compiled a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of articles, books and tutorials for all who want to learn.  Python is a high-level programming language that ranks highly in all-time computer programming favourites from year to year. As it’s powerful yet simple to learn it’s common for beginners to start as an entry into learning a programming language. It is easily transferable to others who have experience in other languages such as JavaScript, Java and PHP.

in Web Development

WOW Update – New Theme and Key Tools

Hey it’s been a while since I have posted. I’m still here but if you are a past visitor you will have noticed that I recently updated my WordPress theme and WOW has had a bit of a major overhaul, bootstrap style. It took me a good few months to complete the design and make it as bug-free as possible but as I now work part-time in a school and being a widowed single mother time is very precious.

in Life

WordPress Database Cleaning Plugins Round-up

Cleaning your WordPress database might not be at the top of your agenda.  Whenever you have published a post or page, trashed a comment or simply haven’t even thought about it, there is likely to be leftover useless data. Over time that data builds up clogging up your database which can affect the performance. You can of course go into your database and clear things up manually which may be exhaustive for the average user or you could make use of a cleaning plugin.  Here is my round-up of WordPress cleaners to keep your WordPress database in tip-top shape.

in WordPress

WOW Weekly – Are LogMeIn at it Again, Surely Not?

Welcome to this week’s edition of WOW weekly, featuring LogMeIn, Apple, the number 7 and a Microsoft trade-in! This particular edition should be renamed to fortnightly as last week I devoted time to having a good clear out (home wise) and spending time with my children during the first week of their school holidays. I also managed to upgrade to El Capitan which was well worth the upgrade! Sadly I’ve given up trying to install Windows 10 on my aging 5-year-old laptop.

in Technology

Import/Export Brackets Themes and Extensions

If you have, or want, brackets installed on multiple operating systems (OS) then it could be rather cumbersome having to manually install all your favourite extensions. Enter Brackets-ExtensionsBulkInstall a handy brackets extension which enables the bulk installation of extensions and themes on other platforms. In the following tutorial I will be exporting from a Mac to a Linux machine

in Software

Top 20 Brackets Extensions You Should Use

As a big fan of open source software I was quite excited when Brackets, a code editor, founded by Adobe, was initially released in November 2014. Released for Mac, Windows and Linux and is guided by a community of fans, that are willing to improve and build upon it. Since it’s release I have tested many extensions but here are some of my favourites, for a bonus I’ll throw in the ones that will make Brackets more visually appealing. Star

in Software

Trickster for Mac Review – Magic File Finding

Even the tidiest of users who own a Mac may have files scattered across several folders on your hard drive. Ever tried finding a file through spotlight or even manually tried to look for a file. How much time is spent trying to organise your files to spend ages trying to find them. Thankfully fo us Mac owners this is where Trickster saves the day.

in Mac

LogMeIn Axes Free Version of Their Remote Desktop Software

Giant’s LogMeIn have recently axed their free remote desktop software and offered users a subscription only offer. No doubt LogMeIn is very useful and popular for business owners but by axing their free version they are bound to lose a lot of customers that won’t want to upgrade to the subscription based service especially if you only need to fix one or two computers several times a year.

in Software