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Tag Tools - Page 6

Web Design on Linux

Web design on Linux is possible although Microsoft and Apple computers are no doubt the web designer’s choice when it comes to creating websites. Adobe software has become the niche and the creative professionals favourite for many years. Linux on the other hand has improved considerably over the past few years and now it is possible to create beautiful websites with the plethora of tools available. Here are a few of those tools to get your creative juices flowing.

in Linux

Tools For A Web Trade! Part 2

In this second part of tools for a web trade we feature CSS optimisers, cleaners and frameworks. Font testers, burners and converters. Browser testing suites and online tools.

in Web Development

Tools For A Web Trade! Part 1

This is the first part in a series of posts that shows some very useful tools and resources for the web. In this part we feature colour tools, cheat sheets and bookmarklets.

in Web Development

Open Source Gems

Everybody has heard of open source and may have used popular software such as Firefox, Thunderbird, Libre office, Eclipse, Filezilla, GIMP and Audacity. Here are some gems that you may or may not heard of that do a good job for free.

in Software