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Tag TypeScript

New Svelte 5 Guessing Game 2024

In this tutorial, you’ll build a fun and interactive guessing game using Svelte 5, the latest version of the lightweight JavaScript framework designed for creating fast and reactive web applications. This game will challenge users to guess a randomly generated number within a certain range, offering real-time feedback on whether their guesses are too high or too low. By leveraging Svelte’s powerful reactivity and efficient state management, you’ll create a smooth user experience with minimal code, making it an ideal project to explore Svelte 5’s new features and capabilities.

in Web Development

New JavaScript Guessing Game 2024

The JavaScript guessing game tutorial is a simple beginner’s project. It features modern JavaScript syntax and runs without a Framework. In part one of the game the foundation is built. The second part adds suspense by only giving the user five attempts to guess. In this third part, we have added the ability for the user to set the level and change part way through if you have any attempts left.

in Web Development